14 ppl attended
Voting was done using directpoll.com
Report of recent developments (~ 5 min)
- Approval by the CAA 2020-08-26
- Provisional Transition Steering Committee (SC) of SIG-SSLA 2020-09-01 - Protocol online (https://sslarch.github.io/protocols/2020-09-01.txt)
- Announcement in German Scientific Newsletter
- any other members that know similar newsletters? -> please tell us so we can announce the SIG there too
Collect suggestions and ideas from members
- A running list of interesting projects and packages will be published on Github (Zack Batist)
- A monthly (virtual) meeting to report on (Clemens Schmid)
- current developments in SSLA in archaeology
- talk about new versions, new packages, new libraries, version updates
- field is not that large, so we could create an overview of that
- Growth and diversity of the group (Ben Marwick, Martin Hinz)
- growth of the group - introduce members to SSLA by creating semi-formal cooperations with other groups
- society of archaeological sciences has connections to society of black archaeologists. smth. similar in Europe?
- we should include ppl from Asia, global South etc!
- Teaching and dissemination (Ben Marwick, Dirk Seidensticker, Martin Hinz, Jesse Wolfhagen)
- teaching is important and part of the statement already up on our website.
- platform for teaching tools? Provide things for new members, not just keeping ourselves up to date
- create groups that are focused on creating teaching material for specific SSLA
- first step: collect teaching material. Hub for all tutorials that are already there
- Minimal Standards and Best Practises (Ben Marwick, Jesse Wolfhagen, Martin Hinz)
- statement of minimum standards?
- we could be an authority what should be taught at least? 10 things everyone should know?
- best practices? What makes scripts reproducible? what would you like to see as a reviewer?
- style guides? dependant on language - collect these and present them
- Practical implementation, Priorisation and Schedule (Clemens Schmid, Sophie Schmidt, Martin Hinz)
- ambitious goals for later. let’s start with “smaller achivable goals”
- collect the ideas in the e-mail-list. maybe create a thread there
- talk about ideas and prioritise at meetings
- explore possibilities to use github tools for task management
Set the modus operandi (Monthly Meetings)
The plan: These regular meetings should be held monthly and should last about 1 hour. Current developments in the field of scripting languages should be briefly presented and discussed. Extensive presentations ala conference contribution should be avoided.
- poll for monthy meetings: 13 agreed, 1 abstain
topic at monthly meetings:
Agenda should be available as open collaborative Document (Dirk Seidensticker)
General Schedule:
- monthly structured update on the activities and update on software updates etc (Joe Roe)
- upcoming conferences, meetings and sessions (Clemens Schmid)
- small presentations of specific issues or solutions (SC committee)
Date and Time
- poll: first Tuesday every month, 5pm CET: 11 agreed, 1 against.
- next meeting will be Nov. 3rd, 5 pm CET
- Due to inability of one member of the SC for this time, an alternative or alternating time slot might be found using a poll tool (‘doodle’)
Arising Topic: CAA Presence
- we would like to be present at every CAA conferences with a session
- CAA 2021 Cyprus Deadline 15th of November: until next meeting we think about potential SSLA Sessions and decide at next meeting
Arising Topic: Membership and Member List
Definition of the scope, limits and privileges of membership not yet defined, have to be discussed until/in the next meeting. Currently, members are those that have subscribed to the mailing list.
Currently, access to the Github Repo remains limited to the SC, this has to be redefined according to the members opinion.
A list of members will be available at the homepage, this list will be filled by the members themselves based on a template that the SC will provide. Technically, this will be done using fork/pull request workflow
Election of Steering Committee
Sophie Schmidt -> Vice-Convenor: 11 agreed, 1 abstained
Martin Hinz -> Convenor: 11 agreed, 1 abstained
Clemens Schmid -> Secretary: 12 agreed
Documented via Screenshot from directpoll.com
Any other business
- For the time being, it will be refrained from setting up a statute until the necessity arises in daily business: Agreed upon without voting
Next Meeting
Nov. 3rd, 5 pm CET Platform yet tbd. Jitsi worked, maybe there is a better alternative? TOP:
- monthly structured update on the activities and update on software updates
- upcoming conferences, meetings and sessions
- CAA 2021 Cyprus participation
- Membership details
- Practical implementation dissemination of teaching material
Will be available as open collaborative document asap.