6 ppl attended
Organisational matters
- Following a doodle poll we decided to try another regular meeting date for the following months: The first monday every month, 17pm, CEST. Please see the google calendar for more information.
Conferences, meetings and sessions
In October 2021:
- New Approaches in Digital Archaeology: https://archaeology.nsc.ru/events/nada
- Theoretical Approaches to Computational Archaeology: http://www.prehistoire.org/offres/gestion/actus_515_42365-911/theoretical-approaches-to-computational-archaeology.html
Please remeber to add these and other new events to the SIG’s Google calendar.
SIG activities
- Teaching material list
- Sophie Schmidt will now create a Google sheet document to collect information
- Ideally every SIG member should invest 10 minutes of brainstorming to collect teaching resources
- The list will then be sorted by the core members of the teaching list committee
Show and tell
- Martin Hinz: API and R API packages on the example of XRONOS
- Website: https://www.xronos.ch
- R package: https://github.com/xronos-ch/xronos.R
- Useful in this context: https://github.com/r-lib/vctrs & https://github.com/r-lib/httr2
James Allison will talk next month about R data parsing and transformation code he wrote to handle the output of a specific Agent-based modelling software tool
Open exchange about activities and software updates
- The rchaeology team has a new website: https://rchaeology.github.io
- James reports that the recently published Book “Agent-Based Modeling for Archaeology: Simulating the Complexity of Societies” is indeed an excellent resource for teaching
- currycarbon now has an option to produce output almost identical to the one by the Bchron R package: https://github.com/nevrome/currycarbon