9 ppl attended
- further develop the SIG SSLA teaching materials list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oiOaKQu5sqj0IV99PY7Qr1FpvQ0QaEqH1pMKK9uDALw/edit#gid=0
short intro of rchaeologists resources by Bjorn
- kept simple to not overwhelm beginners
- will add resources to archaeology chapter
- very focused
- simple md page
discussion about teaching materials list
include simple non-archaeology specific introductions to
- that keep being updated
- e.g. data carpentries material
- R
- Python
- Bash
- Git
- Netlogo
idea: create an opinionated graph, in a way a decision tree
idea: 3D excavation plot as a starting point
different entry points to the decision tree
decisions should be along the research questions, not along technicalities like which scripting language to use
filter function should be included
therefore we need a tagging
task for anyone who has added an entry - until 18th April:
- add tags to the entry
- no controlled vocabulary for tags atm
- Sophie and Thomas + anyone who wants will clean up tags afterwards
- email for a meeting: 18th April
task for Clemens and Peter
- create a graph outline here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pqsU_ZOEOsztRmYFtPqmwrfRMP2OENZUecOOkzkaSuM/edit#slide=id.p
this will be the model for an edge list
undecided yet: what kind of attributes for the edges
we need an invite link to the slack space on our homepage
Jim adds Netlogo resources to the list
next meeting
2022-05-02, 5pm CET (=11am ET)