9 ppl attended
Conferences, meetings and sessions
- CAA2022:
- Our SIG SSLA session has 5(+3?) submissions, which are now all in review.
- There is still no way to submit workshops and we therefore still haven’t submitted ours.
SIG activities
- Teaching material list:
- Sophie Schmidt and others started to work on a unified tagging vocabulary for the available list.
- Clemens Schmid and Robert Bischoff came up with a creative solution to visualize the material in a fun and engaging way (Details omitted from the minutes).
- Help is needed for all of these efforts: Check out the #teaching-materials channel on slack.
- The Open Digital Archaeology Textbook (Shawn Graham et al.):
- Shawn Graham is open to hand the lead for a second edition over to another author/editor.
- Volunteers can contact Zack Batist.
- Mikel Díaz-Rodríguez presented on the analysis in his paper Evaluating the effectiveness of three spatial cluster analysis methods on Palaeolithic site location distributions in Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103323) and shared some of his experiences in making it reasonably reproducible.