5 ppl attended
Open exchange
- Microsoft’s CRAN time machine MRAN is getting shutdown soon. See an extensive discussion of alternatives for reproducibility of R code here: https://www.brodrigues.co/blog/2023-01-12-repro_r
- A new release of our beloved dplyr R package for data manipulation introduces interesting new features: https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/releases/tag/v1.1.0
- ARCAS Workshop: The Australasian Cluster for Archaeological Science is organizing a 3-day online workshop on fostering good statistical practice in archaeology this week: https://twitter.com/ARCAS_news/status/1621729679483994113
SIG Administrative matters
- We decided to move the regular meeting date from the first Monday every month to the first Wednesday. The meeting time stays at 17:00 CET
- We decided to move the “Open Exchange” section to the beginning of the meeting to have enough time to inform each other about ongoing developments in the computational archaeology world
- See the minutes from 2023-01-09 (https://sslarch.github.io/minutes/2023-01-09) for the planned changes to the Presentation format of our regular meeting. For the first meeting with external speakers in May we would like to find experts to introduce current developments in Geometric morphometrics (GMM)
- We remind the SIG members to add relevant conferences/meetings to the SIG’s Google calendar
Conferences, meetings and sessions
- DAB2023: https://dab23.archaeological.science
- The SIG members who participated found the presentations relevant and engaging
- Open Source Software in archaeology seems to be on a good way
- Martin Hinz (one of the organizers) confirmed that the panelists want to prepare a collective article summarizing the event
- The free and open livestream of the event was highlighted as a very positive feature of the conference by all present SIG members
- CAA2023: https://2023.caaconference.org
- All present members find the costs for participation in the conference too high
- It’s also highly regrettable that hybrid participation in the conference is not possible
- Joe Roe, who headed the planned SIG workshop on Git, GitHub and CI/CD decided not to participate in the conference because of the high costs
- We therefore retract the workshop offer. We will try to offer it independently of the CAA conference at another date
- There will be no formal SIG meeting during the conference, but an informal get-together at one of the evenings
- The SIG Session will go ahead as planned
Next SIG Meeting: Wednesday, March 1, 2023
- Petr Pajdla will introduce the scientific and technical publishing system Quarto (https://quarto.org), which essentially replaces RMarkdown
- We will briefly talk about the teaching material list and its presentation at https://sslarch.github.io/MapofComputationalArchaeology to identify remaing ToDos