37th regular meeting

9 ppl were present

Open Exchange

Survey on SIG presentations and projects

  • We will ask Nicolas Frerebreau first, then Shawn Graham, Jörg Baten and Daniel Kondor
  • We will aks Nicolas to join us for the May meeting and see how it goes from there
  • Winner for SIG project: Make old software useful again
    • e.g. https://github.com/sslarch/tfqar
    • James Allison has some old software in Turbo Pascal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbo_Pascal)
    • There might be automatic code translation programs already implemented, depends on the pascal version
    • Maybe LLMs could be useful, but buggy - sometimes helpful, sometimes take longer than to do it by hand
    • How do we get more concrete with this idea?
      • Gather project ideas and use a meeting to pitch them, then decide together which ones might be interesting for enough for ppl to create a working group
      • The result does not need to be an R package
      • @Everyone: please look for fitting little programs we could work on

Map of Computational Archaeology Teaching Material

  • The map could be a bit more interesting, so more worthwhile to re-visit.
  • Ideas to achieve that:
    • Automatically query papers for key words relating to the topics on the map?
    • Highlight some specific, particularly good materials? Could help ppl to choose where to start?
    • Re-toot the map regularly to remind ppl and invite them to add material
      • Easy to do this automatically every time the map is updated for mastodon -> but this depends on ppl adding new material in the first place

next meeting: 3rd April 2024

Scientific Scripting Languages in Archaeology

A special interest group of CAA International dedicated to scientific scripting languages in archaeology.
